Advanced Person-Centred Practice Development

Frances McDonnell Date: September 17th and October 15th 2011

“To know the theory and understand it is crucial. But one of the greatest misunderstandings of the Person-Centred Approach is to focus on how to do it.” (Bozarth 1998).

As Peggy Natiello states “It’s the being, not the doing… To let go of control, to accept unconditionally, to hear empathically, to bring a genuine, vulnerable self into your relationships enhances the ability to live with increasing openness and fluidity, to trust your organismic wisdom, and to dwell in the here and now” (Natiello 2001).

  • The aim of these meetings is to reflect on the further development of Person-Centred counselling attitudes.
  • To offer a live counselling session, (with a willing participant), followed by time for feedback.
  • To look at the theory, and how we understand it, in terms of our selves and our clients.
  • To look at role of supervision in the therapeutic process.

This is aimed at practitioners wanting to immerse themselves in the Person-Centred Approach and way of learning, be part of a creative,  experiential and reflective process where both personal and professional development can  be nurtured.

Cost   £100(waged)    £75(part waged)    £50(unwaged)  Book now

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